by Meredith MacLeod Davidson

    -         His biggest complaint with the city is the guardrails.
             He wants astounding landscapes but does not
            wish to discuss with the architect it
            is just a matter of design with consideration 
    for pedestrians he is asking me for the color 
    of the lake when it is frozen 
    										– surely blue?
      he doesn’t want anyone to know how he smiles 
     in green lamplight - with eyes closed he will
    ask you if maybe the 24-hour hormone cycle is not true -
    -	     	I am googling the homophones hostel and hostile
    			 tracing a word back to its source – before
    			  militaries and telephones and air travel – when 
    			   host could mean someone who invites the foreign 
    			    body in knowing them not as guest or enemy, but 
    											– welcome stranger.
Packingtown Review – Vol. 21, Spring 2024

Meredith MacLeod Davidson is a poet and writer from Virginia, currently based in Scotland, where she earned an MLitt in Creative Writing from the University of Glasgow. Meredith has poems in Propel Magazine, Cream City Review, Poetry South, Frozen Sea, JMWW, and elsewhere.

  1. William Ogden Haynes