I drink for reasons other than your reasons
by Casey Killingsworth

    Magicians scare me but only the ones 
    who believe what they’re doing is real
    magic even as they massage the 
    hidden coins taped to their fingers.
    I am one of those who looks for signs, 
    anything to help me find a reason 
    for what I do, maybe like taking the
    first job you spot in the want ads,
    sort of its own magic, I guess, like
    I was thinking I wanted to work night
    shift watering a golf course and wham! 
    an opportunity nobody else saw
    coming appeared and here I am.
    Meanwhile magicians are gathering
    together, looking into the crisis of
    non-believing, you know, the chance 
    that the audience will want their 
    money back, the nerve to call 
    what they do, illusion.
Packingtown Review – Vol. 21, Spring 2024

Casey Killingsworth has work in The American Journal of Poetry, Better Than Starbucks, 3rd Wednesday, Two Thirds North, and other journals. Casey's first book, A handbook for water, was published by Cranberry Press in 1995, (forward by Willard Espy) and a recent book, A nest blew down was published by Kelsay Books in 2021. Casey's newest, Freak Show (Fernwood Press) was published in 2024.

  1. Jeffrey Dreiblatt