Twenty Furrows
by Linda Scheller

    				Julia de Burgos 
    					“A carnation wedged between the wind and my own shadow”
    						from “Poem for My Death”
    Ah, Julia,
    just you and darkness
    in conversation
    the paths
    and the waves
    you rode
    the sea
    in storm
    Ah, Julia,
    stubborn island,
    just you and memory
    in rebellion
    the whispers
    of propriety
    and the lies
    that drip
    from the mouths
    of power
    a pen
    Ah, Julia,
    skipped stone,
    just you and distance
    in a dance
    around wreckage
    and the flotsam 
    of conquest
    little boat
    of paper
    Ah, Julia,
    drifting foam,
    just you and fumes
    in reverie 
    reliving the love
    that flared
    and the ash
    by wind
    a dropped
Packingtown Review – Vol. 21, Spring 2024

Linda Scheller is the author of two books of poetry, Fierce Light and Wind & Children. Her poetry, plays, and book reviews are widely published in journals and anthologies including Rise Up Review, Colossus: Body, and Panoply. Ms. Scheller serves on the board of Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center and programs for KCBP Community Radio. Her website is

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