The 41st (And Final) Annual Blues BBQ at B.L.U.E.S. on Halsted, 2019


A Great Day in Lincoln Park
by Donna Kosiba

Artist's Statement

It was hard to get everybody in a picture without using the panoramic setting while standing in the middle of Halsted and under the threat of being run over by a bus.

I'm glad now I made the picture. I couldn't do it ever again. You know the B.L.U.E.S. On Halsted building has been for sale for a few years and just kinda takes its time to fall down.

Packingtown Review – Vol. 21, Spring 2024

Donna Kosiba was an innkeeper outside of Krakow when a delinquent customer settled his debt by gifting Donna a twin-lens reflex camera, a box of film, and dark room equipment. It was a Start 66S. Donna sold the camera, film, the dark room equipment, and her inn, and moved to Chicago in order to document the blues scene. Along the way, she became a candy-maker as well, specializing in boozy dark chocolate truffles.

  1. Linda Scheller
    Twenty Furrowspoetry